Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Why You Need Sevierville Attic Insulation

Your attic offers more than just a storage space. It is a protective barrier against heat, cold, and humidity, which means you have to take care of it as you do with others. For it to function well, though, it needs insulation. Read more for reasons why you need Sevierville attic insulation.

Sevierville attic insulation

      1.      Lowering your utility bills

Heating and cooling homes mostly account for between 50-70 percent of energy consumption in homes. If you have your ventilation areas such as the attic uninsulated, you may end up spending more money to achieve comfortable temperature levels. You can save at least 15 percent of your heating and cooling spending by sealing such areas as the attic.

      2.      Improved air quality

The outdoors have a ton of pollutants, including dirt, dust, mildew, and mold, among others. When you have a poorly insulated or uninsulated attic area, you may be allowing all these toxic elements to infiltrate the air inside your home.

       3.      Avoiding HVAC wear and tear

This often happens with older homes that have pool insulation that then results in their HVAC units overworking to maintain conducive temperature levels. In this case, the heating, ventilation, and air condition units get overused and exposed to wear and tear. With insulation in place, however, it means the unit will only work when necessary.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Sevierville HVAC: How to Troubleshoot Issues

Like most appliances, an HVAC unit can also malfunction. If it is not delivering optimal performance, then something must be wrong with it, and troubleshooting may be essential.Here are some key issues to troubleshoot on your Sevierville HVAC unit.

Sevierville HVAC

Dirty Filter

A dirty filter means clogged airflow, decreased efficiency, and ineffective cooling. If the filter in your portable air conditioner or window has not been cleaned in the recent past, you may be having this problem. It is recommended that these areas are cleaned regularly.

Warm Air Leaking

If you are checking the seals around your window AC and there is the presence of hot air leaking in and cold air not seeping out, there might be a problem too. You can reseal the window or area around the unit where necessary using weather stripping.

Vibrating Window AC

It is normal for an air conditioning unit to make plenty of noise when it is in use. Such sounds may come from the compressor cycling on and off, and the whirring of the fan and these are normal instances. However, if the unit is vibrating, then something needs to be checked.

Too Sunny Inside?

If the unit is exposed to direct sunlight, it might overwork to cool your room. In this case, try and move it to a different area.